Beautiful Sushi

6:31 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

Well, its kinda awkward how sushi can be beautiful.
Except if it was made impersonating a hot young girl.

okay, since I'm not writing this to be bricked, I'll start the blog entry right now.

You can google the Japanese word for "beautiful". Beautiful in Japanese is Suteki.

Sounds familiar, eh?

Yes it is. Suteki is a quite famous sushi shop, especially in Surabaya. You can find it anywhere, in almost every mall. But surprisingly this Suteki doesn't mean "Beautiful"

It's an subliminal acronym that stands for Sushi Take Away


Kind of "mekso" zzz...

Okay, I'm back.

But here are the nice sides of Suteki, you can take it home, the price is affordable, the menu is quite nice and impressive and they are delicious too! :)

Here are some recommended menus from us.

First, is sandwich sushi. Chicken Teriyaki Sushi to be exact. Enjoying sushi in the form of sandwich. Sounds nice *authoress is silently salivating*

And for the drink, you'd be pleased with their Miruku or Milk with jellies :D (sorry for the super tiny image.. we couldn't find the proper picture of it yet ==)

Last but not least, is their salad. The price is cheaper than most japanese restaurant, and the taste is not disappointing :D

That's all for today guys :D we'll be updating our next entry soon! This is our first time writing, so, apologize for our mistakes and inexperienced style of writing *puppy eyes

Thanks for reading,

For further information, kindly visit their delicious website

(PS: can you guess who's writing??? ;p  )